5 Amazing Hidden Tricks for Your Sprawling Landscapes!

Gardening has been a hobby practiced from the time of early humans. We all have a sleeping gardener in our inner self. To bring out the hidden gardener, all we need is a  determination to execute. 

Sprawling gardens may be a luxury for many as it  involves hefty expenses. To have a garden is simple, but to have an attractive one,it costs a lot.

It’s advised to follow these five main hidden tricks for accomplishing a fancy garden. Landscaping involves not just plants and decorating them, but it unleashes your imagination and creativity. It’s always good to have a sound landscaping plan in mind.

Landscaping Plans
A landscaping plan is not a mystery; all gardeners, newbie’s or experienced ones, need to follow a definite plan to be a full-fledged gardener. An ideal landscaping gardener faces many challenges and areas of concern to produce fascinating gardens and lawn(s).

Benefits of Landscaping Plans
·         The planning helps you to  reduce costs within a stipulated time to complete the landscaping project.
·         Detailed designs help in determining the scope and spread of the project undertaken.
·         The plan enables designs to be easily executed with necessary  changes.
·         Grasses and plants can grow naturally and flourish.
·         The plan enables faster sale of property when needed.

There arise situations when the planning needs to be adaptable. The existing level of soil and its features greatly contribute to the proper drainage in all areas. All well developed plans are amenable to easy modifications as and when necessary.

Quantity of  sunlight required  may be a variable factor for all plants. Too much of sunlight or shades can affect the growth of a plant in its early stages.Sufficient water is also necessary for the survival of the plant. Usage of modern equipment and resorting to sprinkling enables to minimize the requirement of water, especially in areas of water scarcity.

Owners growing plants should adhere to the permits and bylaws of the area concerned.

Landscaping ideas

·       List out your requirements for a Landscape design. This should include your prime requirements and optional(s). Whether you need a space for children to play or for relaxation apart from growing vegetables,etc,?  Make  rough sketches  of areas where you would place first the essentials and then the optional(s). This should be according to the overall size of the space available. After consulting all the concerned like family members, make a final draft.

       The placing of spots should bear in mind the direction of sun and wind. If you want sunlight in the morning, that spot should be on the Eastern Side of your lawn and vice versa. Your design should take into account the direction of sun and wind at different times of the day and year.

·    Remember, it takes time to grow plants and fill up the vacant spaces. So it is  better to begin in a humble way by developing a few flower bed(s) of plants of your choice.


       It will be  desirable to develop your garden around a convenient central point. This should  be a natural source of attraction like a sculpture, a perennial attractive plant,etc which draws your attention forthwith. Further developments should follow your chosen plan to enhance the beauty of the  garden.

·     Determining the scale of your landscape elements and working out the exact measurements poses  a tricky problem to be tackled carefully. There should be a variety in size, shape  and color to give an elegant look to the garden. Sometimes we would need repetitions of walkways, and plants provide balance to the design.

      Change is the spice of life. It is also the spice of Landscape designs.Unless you are strongly  possessive with some of the features, changes should be your motto. Appropriate changes from time to time should be your guiding principle. This applies equally to  flower plants, ornamental plants, shrubs, trees and other features like rock formations, water bodies, etc. 

·         Patience is the watchword for landscape planner. Remember, it takes time to develop your garden as  visualized by you. It may be necessary to take out annuals and  perennials if they do not serve the purpose.
Landscaping Types  
Landscaping consists of a few types, yet some of the popular types are:

1.      Turf Installation:  If you have dead or sparse grass, fresh sod with fresh green grass  will be the method to adopt for an attractive yard. Everyone can use it for relaxing with one’s family and friends especially in summer.

2.      Water Spots:  Everyone enjoys a landscape laid out with  ponds of  clear water and waterfalls soothing  your mind and body.  This is especially required, if there are too many earthy features to  your yard.  You can have hardy plants near such features. One may even provide for fish in such ponds, always a source of joy for young children and old.

3.      Rock features: These features provided at different places provide much needed variety to your sprawling garden. These may include borders of rocks for flower beds, a large boulder with small ones scattered around it and even small structures resembling some form of animals,etc,which always remain a constant attraction for children and old alike. Pebbles and boulders are widely used to add splendor to your garden.

4.      Fresh  plants: One needs to grow  fresh plants to replace the ones which have died. Availability of good sunshine and shade where needed is to be ensured. Choosing the right spots for your favorite plants is always a challenge. The plants should be of your liking and they require a  lot of care and attention from the very beginning for you to own  a beautiful garden.

5.      Stone walkways: If you do not want to walk on the grass and have some un-utilized space, stone walkways is the preferred option Walkways running around the garden or through the middle or at chosen places will provide an elegant look to your garden.

 Spot for vegetables: There is a preference among owners of lawns for having a spot for growing fresh vegetables. Home grown vegetables through organic cultivation methods are a craze among families. Areas with sufficient sunlight and shade where needed,  are chosen carefully without diminishing the overall beauty of your landscape.
Maintaining lawns with synthetic materials is toxic and not recommended. There is a  need to shift to more organic maintenance practices also taking care of sustainability. 

Sprucing Up Your Lawns
Often Gardens contain overgrown shrubs, worn out mulch and brown spots.Planting of new varieties of species requires removal of brown spots in your lawns.

Removal of Brown Spots

Brown spots are areas of burn grasses caused by over fertilizing. All house owners who do own pets usually take them out for a walk in the lawns. The dogs as part of their daily routine, may pee in the lawns. Please be noted that the high content of urine in the pet’s urine can cause  the grass to burn. 

Therefore, the one thing that pet owners should avoid is brown spots in their garden.Watering the gardens or lawn with water for eight hours is necessary to dilute the high nitrogen content in the pet’s urine.

Precautions for Brown Spots

Your pet’s urine containing high levels of nitrogen causes lawn burns. All lawn burns are not brown spots. Only when the areas having brown spots or patches are shown can they be called as brown spots.

Please make sure that the grass in the brown spots remains firmly attached to the ground.Grab a handful of grass and give it a steady pull. If the grass remains firmly rooted that means there is an indication of brown spots, otherwise its  a problem of grub.

Remedy for Brown Spots
·         Protect the area with netting to avoid cats, birds and other animals from entering the lawns.it is advisable to keep  the lawns watered for the seedlings to  become well grounded.

·         Routine of leaving your pet’s outside and performing their duties outside needs to be maintained. Try watering the lawn afterwards.  This will help in the dilution of harmful concentrations of chemicals within their urine that causes the damage literally washing it away.

SOD on Rolls.
If you are a person who wants to have a lawn immediately, then SOD is the answer. SOD is a roll of grass measuring a square of 10 feet. Sunlight is essential for growing of a plant. Sod is best installed in Spring and Autumn.

SOD is effective in an area of sunlight and not in shady regions.SOD needs adequate soil underneath fro the  sod to grow. In cases of sod deficiency, oil quality must be improved first. It  is also advisable to trim some of the lower portions of sod to spur the growth process. Light amounts of fertilizer recommended.

Benefits of SOD
·         Helps conserve water and prevent soil erosion.
·         Dissipitate
the amount of heat moderating the temperature.
·         Reduces dust and glare.
·         Abates noise.
·         Replenishes ground water
·         Acts as a natural filter. Reduces pollution by purifying water passing through the roots section.
·         Reduces problems with pests, snakes and rodents.
·         Increase themarket value of your property by 5 to 10 %.
·         Absorbs more rain water than seed lawns even after 3 years of growth.
·         Absorbs carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and releases oxygen for a healthy living.

Preparation of SOD
·         Preparing the ground for SOD installation includes removing any existing vegetation, like grass, moss and  weeds. Depending on the levels of projects, M-arch Sods installation contractors complete the steps by uses of cutters, lawn mowers and other modern equipment.


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