
Showing posts from October, 2020

White pebbles

Image White pebbles The White pebble stones are widely used to enhance the look of your garden. #pebble #whitepebbles #pebblegarden #garden #landscape

Why you need a garden? -It Connects you to Nature -Gardening burns calories. -Good Source of Vitamin D -Good for the Mind -Kids learn responsibility. -Gardens nurture learning. -Gardening eases stress.

Healthy Lawns & Shrubs

Image Healthy Lawns & Shrubs  M-arch Garden will keep your #residential and #commercial #lawn looking great all year long.  Call now for enquiries:9633422334

Quote of the day** Quote of the day** If a tree dies, plant another in its place. — Carl Linnaeus

Tips for indoor gardening:-

 Tips for indoor gardening:- -->>Cut Away Old Growth. -->>Refresh The Soil. -->>Increase Humidity. -->>Position plants carefully. -->>Sun-lovers face north. -->>Do not over water. -->>Apply some fertilizer.

Anchor your garden with a pretty #walkway @ M-arch Garden.

Image Lovely #Pathways for a Well-Organized #Home and #Garden.  Anchor your garden with a pretty #walkway @ M-arch Garden.

Want to start your own #gravel #garden? We are here to help you with tips: Want to start your own #gravel #garden? We are here to help you with tips: -You need to prepare the ground before laying the gravel. -Make sure to measure your space and purchase enough gravel. -Take care not to damage any #plants when laying the gravel. -Drought-resistant plants are the best choice for gravel gardens. -Avoid using very small gravel, as it can escape the borders.

Building a gazebo in your #gardenarea is an awesome way to give your family a reason for some extra fun. Building a gazebo in your #gardenarea is an awesome way to give your family a reason for some extra fun. Best Tips For Perfect Garden Gazebo: -Understand Your Need -Use Natural Things -Add Some Personal Touch

Landscaping things to know about Tabletop Garden

Image Read more at: M-arch garden providing services on landscape designing, Indoor Garden,vertical garden,Gazebo,water features and garden maintenance .

Do's and Dont's in #Gardening Do contact a #landscape #designer/#architect before you break #ground for a new #home Do use #organic #fertilizers over inorganic ones  DO use #containers to experiment with #planting in different parts of your #yard. Don't use #herbicides without first carefully reading the instructions. Don't paint #tree wounds with #pruning paints or wound dressings. Don't make planting holes deeper than the tree root ball.

Nothing embodies a #healthy #landscape quite like strong beautiful rich-green #grass.

Image Nothing embodies a #healthy #landscape quite like strong beautiful rich-green #grass. Get ideas for making your #yard more #beautiful @ M-arch garden.

Tips for Maintaining a #WaterFeature: Tips for Maintaining a #WaterFeature: -->>Skim #leaves weekly. ... -->>Remove any #algae with a bristle brush. ... -->>Ensure that equipment like #pumps and #filters are free of clogs and operating properly. -->>Test the water weekly, especially if you have #fish, as excessive amounts of #chemicals like #ammonia and #chlorine 

How to Take Care of #Shrubs? How to Take Care of #Shrubs? 1. Plant the #Shrubs at the Right Time 2. Schedule the #Watering Process 3. Follow Proper Feeding Habits 4. Prune at the Right Times 5. Stalk or Tie the branches 6. Look out for Pests in the #Lawn 7. Retain the Moisture by #Mulching

If you want to give fantastic look to your garden Consider stone pebbles.

Image If you want to give fantastic look to your garden Consider stone pebbles.

Tips for a Healthy Lawn -Remove weeds, thatch and moss -Improve drainage -Aerate -Mowing and edging -Feeding and watering -Top dressing Email : Call us on : 9633422334 Find us :M-ARCH GARDEN,Near cocoon,peringavu,Tcr

Ensure the #trees and #shrubs in your #landscape stay healthy and beautiful.

Image Ensure the #trees and #shrubs in your #landscape stay healthy and beautiful. #garden #nature #landscape #home #flowers #plants #indoor #outdoor #balconygarden #gazebo #greenary #green #eco #naturelover #gardener #shrubs #verticalgarden #greenwalls #ecowall #greenearth #floweringtrees #tree #water #ponds #swimmingpool #cascade #birdbith #pool #pergola #patio #gazebodesigns #gardenmaintanance #verticalgardener #pebbles #pebblegarden #sculptures #rock #rockgarden

Garden Quote of the day*** Garden Quote of the day*** “Flowers are restful to look at. They have neither emotions nor conflicts. “Sigmund Freud

Hard and soft landscape design should aim to make a car park an attractive building or open space .

Image Hard and soft landscape design should aim to make a car park an attractive building or open space .

Gardening Quote of the day** All gardening is landscape painting. William Kent